Recently, shaping eyebrows has become a very important step in eye make-up. If you style them properly by adding a nice trim and size, you can additionally enhance the best features of your face. See for yourself how to create beautiful eyebrow make-up and look beautiful.
Mistake number one: too strong make-up.
Black eyeshadow, a few layers of mascara, lipstick of intensive colour and… exaggerated eyebrows. It is definitely too much. Remember that simplicity and elegance are very important in make-up.
Of course, grooming your brows with a dark pencil or powder has been very popular recently.
However, the rest of the cosmetic that you use, should be light, neutral tones. How to style your eyebrows properly to beautifully frame your face? You will need brow pencils, brow gels and brow powders. For brushing, you can feel free to use an old mascara wand (thoroughly cleansed and dried).
Mistake number two: dark or light?
If you want your make-up to look perfect, use cosmetics which colours are close to your natural brows. Therefore, blonde hair girls should avoid black and dark brown shades but reach for light brown. When it comes to brunettes, it is the other way around. If you are not sure what kind of shade is most suitable for your complexion and hair, schedule an appointment with a beautician. Experienced professional will guide you in terms of colours of the powders or pencils as well as filling in your eyebrows. She might as well do a permanent eyebrow make-up or semi-permanent with the use of henna.
Mistake number three: incompetent shaping.
Unfortunately, not everyone know how to add shape to their eyebrows. There are no universal stencils that would be suitable for all types of beauty and face shapes. Fortunately, in many perfumeries, you can fin the so-called Brow Bars, where beauticians offer help with styling eyebrows. What can you learn in such place? You will see how to match them to the shape of your face and eyes and that grooming your eyebrows can slender or enlarge your face. Additionally, perfect eyebrows can completely alter your look.
Mistake number four: over-plucking.
It is definitely not a good idea to over-pluck your eyebrows. Thin and pointy arch that used to be your eyebrows, do not look good what is more, they make you look older and look funny. Therefore, remember that in the upcoming season, only naturally outlined eyebrows will be trendy. However, if you have already over-plucked them, draw a few hair-like strokes imitating brows with your pencil or powder.