Let us start with a rather distinct methods of boosting our eyelashes to faster growth. Firstly, the eyelash combing method. To make the eyelashes be put a part, it is recommended to use a special brush, which can be also used to the eyebrow combing, or just a flattered brush made from natural or artificial bristle. Eyelashes are to be combed every evening, after the make up removal is done, which enhance the eyelashes to grow. However, the effects of this treatment are not to be seen promptly.
The second method of encouraging eyelashes to grow is covering these with Vaseline.
This cosmetic moisturizes and makes eyelashes shine, however, their growth is minimal. How to use Vaseline on our eyelashes? Put the cosmetic on a brush or a comb and then put eyelashes a part. Nonetheless, be careful because if Vaseline gets into eyes, in most cases, it causes irritations.
Can mascaras boost eyelashes to grow? It appears that the answer is positive but the results are going to be transitory. Nevertheless, the cost of such a cosmetic is quite high. The good solution can be the purchase of a common eyelash lengthening mascara. Let us face it, those mascaras are not going to provide our eyelashes with vitamins and nourishing substances like in a case of other methods, but still, definitely our eyelashes get optically longer.
Do you like having massage done? Here comes the good news! Your eyelashes like it either! Due to having your eye area massaged, you will enhance eyelashes to grow. What is more, massage relaxes, mellows and improves blood circulation. As a consequence, the work of follicles and eyelash bulbs is also improved. The massage can be done on your own, or you can ask a friend for a help or just have an appointment with a beautician.